After God created everything on Heaven and Earth, He created humans. God did not create humans as mindless robots to obey His intentions. He instead allowed them to love and follow Him by their own free will. However, against the intentions of the Lord God, humans chose to defy His words and became slaves of sins. Because of this, God nailed his only begotten son on the cross to forgive our sins by His blood. Through this incredible miracle, God was able to release us from sin. It is promised that anyone who believes this fact and accepts Jesus as their Lord will be taken up as a child of God. Anyone, in any situation, will be saved if they just believe in Jesus?there are no other conditions required. Jesus provides your salvation at no charge. To be saved, you do not need to make any effort, do good things or even study at all. You only need to believe that Jesus is your savior. There couldnft be anything simpler and easier. But there are still so many people who hesitate to accept this free gift of salvation. These people say that they have reasons not to believe in Jesus' power of salvation; but are there really meaningful reasons to keep people from believing? Today I would like to think about and discuss fourteen of the most typical reasons. 1. I do not deserve to be saved. Humans by nature make excuses for everything they do, to avoid taking responsibility. It is the nature of man to not want to admit his own sins. So, if someone has admitted that they are a sinner, that person is already under the influence of the Holy Spirit. We are all sinners? no one is an exception. But the Lord died for us sinners and He still loves us. Just like an ailing person needs a doctor, sinners need only the Lord. Romans, 5:6, 8
Luke, 5:31-32
Luke, 19:10
Jesus Luke, 19:10
The Lord sacrificed Himself to save sinners. When cleansed by the blood of Jesus, all sins are forgiven and all sinners obtain eternal life. Jesus will never turn away anyone who comes to Him. The Lord is still sending these words to us today: Isaiah, 1:18
John, 6:37
The Lord God John, 6:37
Jesus John, 6:37
John, 3:16
Jesus John, 3:16
Here is the testimony of Paul: 1Timothy, 1:15
Paul here said that he was "The worst of the sinful people". He continues in the next verse, saying, "for the very reason, I received mercy" (1 Timothy 1:16). It is only because the Lord has mercy on us that men can be saved. The Lord died for all sinners. Without the mercy of the Lord, there would be nothing left for most people who have admitted their sins other than desperation. For example, so many unborn children are aborted these days just because their parents want to enjoy their free life or simply because they do not want a child. Most of these people will eventually have to admit that they have committed a murder. When they recognize the weight of their sins, they will be overwhelmed by desperation. Similarly, David, who was drawn away by his own lust and murdered his own loyal subject, later testified: Psalms, 51:14
Psalms, 32:5
the Lord God, Psalms, 32:5
Through his prayers, David came to have the firm conviction that his sins were forgiven. The next few verses explain how the Lord forgives sin. Psalms, 103:9-12
The Lord does not just forgive our sins? He also forgets them. The almighty God forgets them on purpose. This is called being 'justified' and it is an unimaginable blessing for us. All sins are forgiven because of the blood the Lord shed, regardless of whether you are aware of it or not. 1 John, 1:7
Isaiah, 44:22
the Lord God Isaiah, 44:22
If you humble yourself before the Lord, you will absolutely be accepted into His arms. You will be accepted forever. Even if you are terrible sinner and that you do not deserve salvation, it does not matter? your own judgment has no meaning in front of the Lord's decision to bless you with salvation. No one is free from sin in the eyes of the Lord God. Do you just want to humble yourself in front of Jesus, or do you want to justify yourself? This is the only choice presented to you. If you are humble before the Lord, He will never fail to bless you. Let's look at the story of the prodigal son Jesus spoke of: Luke, 15:11-24
This son took his father's money and left him to set out on a journey to enjoy his own life. He had no contact with his father during this time. But when the son repented and came back, his father wrapped him in a big hug. The love of this father represents Jesus' compassion toward us. Jesus always wants us to repent. He's waiting for us to come back to the Lord God. 2. I need to change myself to be saved. "A person like me does not deserve to be saved. I need to try hard to change myself to be saved." Some people think in this way. However, the intentions of Jesus are totally different. Jesus sacrificed Himself on the cross for the world's sinners, not for those who believed they were righteous. The Lord made it very clear when he said: Luke, 5:31-32
If you believe that you have to change yourself before coming to Jesus, you do not truly understand what sins are. Your sins cannot be cleansed by your own efforts. These kinds of efforts are meaningless. Jeremiah, 2:22
Jeremiah, 13:23
The prodigal son, from the Gospel according to Luke, chapter 15, did not even think of making himself look better before coming back to his father. He arrived in front of his father in miserable plight. "Father, I have sinned against heaven and you. I don't deserve to be called your son anymore." The father held his son tight in his arms. What is most important to God is that you are humble like this son. It is also written in another part of the Bible. Luke, 18:9-14
The Pharisees believed that they were a righteous people. They proudly claimed to God that they followed all laws laid out in the Bible. On the other hand, the tax collector admitted that he was terribly sinful and entrusted everything to the Lord. This is why he was justified by the Lord God. Nothing is more important than being humble in front of the Lord. 3. I can't escape from a life of vice. Some people think that they have gone too deep into their evil ways and that they won't be able to come back. There are actually two types of mindsets for these people. Some of them have the wrong impression that they won't be saved because they can't leave the path of the sinner. Others think that regardless of whether or not they can be saved, they can't leave the path of evil. Let's look at the first kind of people. They need to realize that all men are actually dead because of their sins until they obtain the salvation of Jesus? this is without exception. We are all spiritually dead and there is no difference in degree. Jesus came into this world to save these spiritually dead sinners. The Lord never asks us what we did in the past or how we are now. He just asks whether we want to face Jesus with honest mind?everything begins there. In other words, we only have two choices. Do we want to be reborn and obtain a new life, or do we want to refuse salvation and walk the path to the destruction? John, 3:36
Jesus John, 3:36
Galatians, 6:7-8
Romans, 6:23
Next, it is in fact possible for those who want to abandon their evil conduct. Of course, if they attempt to do it by themselves, they will fail. It will be pathetic and only end in despair. But it can be accomplished if they totally rely on the Lord, by the power of Jesus. There is no need to give up. Philippians, 4:13
Jesus promised that we will be released from the power of sin. So, if we come close to the Lord, we can get away from all sin. John, 8:36
Jesus John, 8:36
Hebrews, 7:25
You only need to do one thing to break out of the vicious cycle: to come to Jesus and obey Him. There is no other way. The Lord has already overcome the world and all sins. When you obey Jesus, you will be able to participate in the victory of Jesus, who has overcome the world. So, there is no need to be scared of anything and there is no need for you to worry about whether you could overcome your problems by yourself. The next few verses prove this fact. Romans, 6:12-14
1 John, 5:4-5
4. I have to give up so many things to be saved. Some people are afraid that they will have to give up so many things to be saved and after they are saved as well. The fact of the matter is that those who are saved will naturally throw away so many things. It is necessary; we can't take everything with us when we die. Furthermore, no matter how great your prestige or fame is, or how well-esteemed you are, you will not be saved from the punishment of eternal destruction. The only thing important for you, the only thing you need, is a life that belongs to Christ. If you can't overcome the temptation of this life, you won't be allowed to live the life Jesus has prepared for you, and you won't see the glorious riches that await you. Shouldn't we leave behind the things we have obtained in this world and choose a way that directs us to the truly important things, instead of heading toward destruction, where we will lose everything? Mark, 8:36
1 John, 2:15
the Lord God 1 John, 2:15-17
Moses and Paul were also richly blessed when they abandoned everything for Jesus. They received everything they deserved from the Lord God. The Bible also describes Moses, who was raised as the child of an Egyptian Princess. Hebrews, 11:24
the King of Egypt's Hebrews, 11:24-26
Moses had a greater perspective of the truth. He chose to accept the greater riches given by Christ rather than to enjoy the sinful pleasures of this world. His decision eventually led to the release of two million people from slavery. Paul was a true elite who received the highest quality education of his time. He first refused to accept Jesus as his Lord, and acted upon his belief that persecuting the believers of Christ was the will of God. However, when he finally came to know Christ, he suddenly realized that all things that he believed were totally meaningless, and in fact, that it was because of these things he was kept away from Christ. Philippians, 3:7-8
Here, Paul wrote, "Christ Jesus, my Lord". In other words, he was saying that he was a servant of Christ. Back then, servants were practically slaves who simply had to obey all orders from their masters. Just like a slave, when Paul met Jesus, Jesus instantly became everything in his life. When you abandon something for the Lord, you do not actually lose it. In fact, the Lord God leaves only what you really need. We are blinded by our own desires and social lives, and believe in valueless things. Actually, we make ourselves busy just like slaves when we follow our own pursuits. The Lord God created all things between heaven and earth as well as all humans. So He knows us very well, and thus knows what we truly need. On the other hand, He also knows what we do not need, what we do not have to have. To those who rely on Him, He provides everything they truly need. Psalms, 84:11-12
Romans, 8:32
John, 3:16
The Lord God loves each one of us. This is because "now is really the right time, now is the day of salvation". We all will be saved if we just repent. Unless we listen to the words of the Lord God and accept his will, there will be no salvation. In addition, we need to accept salvation while it remains presented to us. Luke, 16:19-31
5. You will lose your friends, when you have faith. It is so hard to live a lonely life. This is why people say they need friends. But will your friends come with you to the valley of death? Can they save you from eternal destruction? No matter how many friends you have in this world, there is nothing they can do for the salvation of your life. In the Gospel according to John, 15:15, Jesus said, "I have called you friends". Jesus is a true friend who sacrificed his life on the cross for your sins, and He will walk with you until the end of the world. The important thing is not whether you will lose all your friends; it is whether you have found a true friend. Psalms, 1:1-2
Proverbs, 13:20
James, 4:4
Matthew, 19:29
Jesus Matthew, 19:29
6. I am afraid of being ridiculed. Being ridiculed is not so pleasant. But, isn't it far better than falling into eternal destruction? Besides, when someone ridicules you because of your belief in the truth of the Lord, they are actually ridiculing themselves. There is no need to be afraid or to be ashamed of being ridiculed. In fact, if you are afraid of being ridiculed, you are ashamed of your Lord. If you fear humans and try to avoid ridicule, you will be caught in a trap. Those who fear God won't fear people. The reward for fearing the Lord is wealth, honor and life. The next few verses are very encouraging in this sense: Proverbs, 29:25
Mark, 8:38
Jesus Mark, 8:38
Jesus Mark, 8:38
Proverbs, 22:4
Why do people fear something they do not have to? Itfs because they are caught up in reality and cannot see or imagine anything else, and thus cannot find the truth. Even though humans are so weak and helpless, when the eyes of their hearts are opened and they find the truths that are invisible to human eyes, they will have nothing to fear. 2Kings, 6:16
Elijah 2Kings, 6:16
David testified: Psalms, 27:1
The Lord is alive. So if you entrust yourself to the Lord, you do not have to worry about anything. As a good shepherd, the Lord protects you and provides you with all the guidance you truly need. Jesus sacrificed his life and died on the cross to save us. When you shift your focus of attention onto Him, you can finally entrust everything to Him and feel so relieved. Solomon, the king of Judea, is known as one of the wisest man in history. The word of Solomon is recorded in the Proverb 1:7: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Those who fear other men will end up as their slaves without knowing it. After all, we have only two choices: to fear humans or to fear the Lord. Only when we fear the Lord who created this world, who exists forever, who rules all things in history, will we be free from the fear of things that will eventually waste away. Psalms, 34:8
The Lord God. 1Peter, 3:12-14
Revelation, 14:7