In the previous issue, we discussed six of fourteen reasons some people do not believe in Jesus. Today, let's think about the next eight. 7. I will be persecuted for having faith. What the flesh wants is opposed to the Spirit, and what the Spirit wants is opposed to the flesh. Because of this, Jesus' believers are persecuted in a world dominated by darkness. Suffering for Jesus is a privilege allowed to believers. They are permitted to walk in the footsteps of the Lord and follow Him. For believers who have been saved by the Lord and obtained everlasting life, the only way to serve Jesus is to overcome the fear of persecution and follow the Lord. The Lord is looking for someone like that. John, 15:19
Matthew, 10:38
Paul made it very clear. 2Timothy, 3:12
If you are free from all trouble or anguish and there is no friction in your life, even though you believe in the Lord you may actually have to question the truthfulness of your faith. It may be because you have compromised with other people. What should be the most critical thing in our lives when we have faith? When you refuse to compromise with this world and make it a top priority to serve the Lord, you will go through various conflicts and confrontations. In this respect, the attitude of the members of the early churches was so impeccable. They were troubled by so many things, but they were not afraid. They looked up and saw the Lord's promises clearly. So, they were not surprised at all when they faced fierce persecution. Because the believers of the early churches served the Lord with an attitude like this, they were well-used by the Lord and Jesus blessed them. The firm convictions of these apostles can be found in the following verses: Romans, 8:18
Acts, 5:40-41
2Timothy, 2:12
Jesus 2Timothy, 2:12
Acts, 14:22
In this world, it is no wonder that believers have to experience anguish and suffering. The important thing is knowing how to react to these troubles and pains. It is your attitude toward the Lord regarding the troubles you experience that will decide whether you will attain victory or end in miserable defeat. To attain victory, you will need to recognize two things. First is that your troubles and difficult situations will never last forever; second is that todayfs sufferings are not worthy of comparison with the glory that will be revealed to us in the future. It is not acceptable for us to be tied up in a reality which eyes can see. Matthew, 5:10-12
Mark, 8:35, 38
What is the attitude expected from those who have obtained salvation from the Lord? In simple terms, it is to look up to Jesus all the time and think about Him. Thinking of Jesus will bring you strength in any occasion. Hebrew, 12:2-3
1Peter, 2:20-21
8. You will be put into a difficult position by believing in the Lord. Sunflowers do not bloom in winter. Likewise, sometimes true believers of God are forced into very difficult situations, in this world dominated by people who refuse to obey the Lord God. However, this does not mean that the followers of the Lord are all destined to be harmed and suffer in this world. Actually, the Lordfs believers are always controlled and protected by Him, and the most wonderful blessings are prepared for them. There is nothing impossible for the Lord God, He who is honest and sincere. So, you have to understand that the Lord wants to enter the hearts of all believers and remove the obstacles to their spiritual growth, leaving better things in their place. The Lord God helps us to gain a better reputation in ways we cannot even imagine. Matthew, 19:29
Matthew, 6:33
Mark, 8:36
9. The Lord is unfair and scary. Impressions like this come from very a superficial understanding of the facts. Some people blame God for being unfair, claiming that He allows wars, famine, earthquakes or disasters to happen. They also consider it unfair that some people have to suffer from serious diseases while others are given better abilities or looks than others. They also claim that the Lord lets some impermissible things happen and thus, that He is scary. However, it is very dangerous and arrogant to bring accusations against the Lord God. Having conflict with the Lord only leads to harm. It is certainly an evil deed that devil worshipers want to do. Very often, the Lord God has to use a whip to draw us near to Him and save us. Romans, 9:20
Job, 40:2
Hebrew, 12:5-7
The Lord God is so righteous, that he had to sacrifice his only begotten son, the Lord Jesus, to resolve us of our sins. Jesus willingly suffered for us and our sins. This fact is inspired in Isaiah, chapter 53. It is more important than anything to recognize the depth of your sins and the love of Jesus. When you understand these facts, you will then clearly realize how stupid and arrogant it is to murmur to the Lord and question the Lordfs intentions. Isaiah, 53:3, 5
10. I can't forgive someone. When you cannot forgive someone, it is because you do not want to forgive them. Refusing to forgive humiliation is a dreadful thing. It will only cause anxiety in your mind. Habakkuk, 2:4
If you do not obey the Lord's command of forgiveness, the Lord will have to abandon you. Romans, 1:28, 31
Matthew, 6:15
1John, 3:15
11. It is too late for me to be saved. Some people feel this way for different reasons. For example, some people are severely mentally depressed or physically ill. Others make meaningless and wrong efforts to obtain blessings, or simply do not understand salvation. However, the true reason is this: it is the whisper of the devil that keeps telling them it is already too late, the devil who wants to keep them away from salvation. If you lend your ears to this whisper, you will start to feel that the Lord has already thrown you out. However, the Lord will never throw you out. It is never too late. At any time, anyone can be accepted if they just humble themselves and pray to the Lord. This is such a wonderful truth. So, letfs not hesitate to step in front of the Lord. John, 6:37
Psalms, 102:16-17
Isaiah, 1:18
Isaiah, 42:3
Romans, 5:20
2Corinthians, 6:2
Now is the accepted time. Now we are presented with the opportunity to repent and to accept salvation. It is never too late to repent. 2Peter, 3:9
Revelation, 22:17
What is salvation after all? Is it an oath to God that you will make every effort to change yourself? If so, the Lord would throw you out if you committed the same sin again after repentance. If this is what they call repentance, it is understandable that some people are afraid to take the steps toward repentance, because they are not comfortable. What is salvation after all? We can understand what it is by looking at some real-life examples of repentance in the Bible. Luke, 23:39-43
12. There are bad examples among believers. We cannot deny this fact. We have all seen so many believers who have become bad examples in many aspects. There are so many people all over the world today who claim to be Christians but have never actually have experienced true repentance, and thus have never experienced the real salvation of Jesus. Such examples can be found even among the so-called clergy. Those believers who have still not experienced true repentance are driven by the lust of worldly things and easily compromise with everything. In fact, they do not even realize that they have made compromises. Sometimes, when these people begin to believe and seek the Lord, they stumble over these kinds of self-appointed believers. However, the existence of such bad examples does not prove the incompleteness of the salvation of the Lord, and should not be a reason to reject the Lordfs salvation. Sometimes plants die because of insects, even though there is enough rain. But this does not imply that rain is not required for the growth of plants. People cannot be truly saved until they sincerely repent. 2Corinthians, 5:10
When you look at other believers and accuse them for being bad examples, how does it reflect on you? The important thing is not to look at how others behave, but to look at yourself. The next few verses remind us of the importance of reflecting your own deeds. Matthew, 7:1-5
Only our Lord God is absolutely righteous. He is the only one who can judge us. We are all imperfect in His eyes and are not qualified to judge each other. This is especially true after we believe in Jesus and become saved. We all take some part of Jesus' body. Thus, we have to keep in mind that when we accuse our brothers and sisters, we are accusing Jesus Himself. Romans, 2:1-6
13. Some parts of the Bible are very difficult to understand. This is true. As we can see from what Jesus mentioned in John 6:63, "the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life", the Bible is not just a book written based on humans' conceptions or speculations. It was created from the inspiration of the Lord, our God. So, the Bible is not very straightforward for anyone. Only when you commit your full attention will the Holy Spirit guide you to the true voice of the Lord God. This is especially true for people who have not changed since they were born, and thus are not connected to the Lord; they would never understand the Bible at all, for they are spiritually blind. However, if they open their hearts and face the Bible, they too can hear the words of God. 1Corinthians, 2:14
2Corinthians, 4:3-4
Daniel, 12:10
Any efforts to understand the Bible using your intelligence or mental knowledge will be irrelevant and meaningless. This is because the thoughts of the Lord differ completely from the thoughts of humans. Matthew, 11:25-26
It is very often the case that even the thoughts or intentions of the most obedient believers are totally dissociated from the thoughts or intentions of the Lord God. The next verse was written for such believers. Isaiah, 55:8-9
The Bible is not something to 'understand'. We read it to listen to the words, the words that Jesus still tells us today. Very often, these words lead readers to prayer. The Bible is given to us so that we can follow the words of the Lord. 1Samuel, 3:9
If you face the Bible with an attitude like Samuel, you will have the promise of the Lord, as in the following verses: Psalms, 119:18
James, 1:5
1Corinthians, 1:30
14. There are many inconsistencies in the Bible. Some people insist that there are inconsistencies in the Bible. However, most of the time these are ready-made opinions, just repetitions of what someone else has said. Some people do not want to accept the Bible as the word of God, so they emphasize the inconsistencies in the Bible. Although there are, in fact, so many things in the Bible we cannot fully understand, there is nothing inconsistent. Some verses exist in the bible specifically for those who insist on its inconsistencies: 1Timothy, 1:7
2Peter, 2:12
Romans, 1:22
The Bible is made up of the words that God gave to us. Psalms, 119:40
Psalms, 12:6
Proverbs, 30:5
2Peter, 1:19
Conclusion We have looked at some of the reasons why people who do not know about salvation through Jesus hesitate to have faith. Some of these reasons are totally based on misunderstanding. For example, some people believe that they have to change themselves to be saved. There are other kinds of reasons that are based on facts but do not necessarily have to be obstacles in the way of faith. "Bad examples among believers" is one of such reasons. After all, the only important thing is that we always return to what the Bible says. If you keep asking what the Bible says about anything, you will eventually reach the truth. However, if you try to find your own answers to your questions and value the judgement of the society or thoughts of others instead of the Bible, and if you read the Bible to find the conclusion you want, you will never reach the truth, and thus, you will never overcome your sins. The Bible contains the true words of God and should not be treated as a subject of study or research. If you truly seek 'Life in Christ', there is no other way to achieve it than walking toward Jesus with an honest mind, listening to His words in the Bible and relying on Him. The very first words Jesus said to the people were in Mark 1:15: "Repent, and keep believing the gospel" (i.e. the Bible). What went through Jesus' mind on the cross, the words that the Lord gave us when he was resurrected, everything is concentrated in this very verse. Faith without repentance is like a flower that has no root. It may look wonderful and attractive, but it will never bear fruit. Furthermore, repentance is impossible without faith. It is merely 'regret'. It is just like someone moving up and down or going around forever on a prettily decorated merry-go-round. These people may seem so religious, but in reality they are just turning in place and will never move forward. Only when your faith is accompanied by repentance will you have the blessing of the Holy Spirit of Jesus and bear true fruit. Jesus loved us and sacrificed Himself on the cross for our sins. Only Jesus is the way to truth and life. When we come to Jesus, eternal life in Christ is promised to us. This promise gives us something we can never find in this world. It is a joy and hope that will never fade away under any circumstance. In fact, true believers will see a new and different person in themselves. What we receive from Jesus is not something to be added to an inventory of other things we already have. It is true life given to us, we who have been heading toward the path of destruction. It is a new creation. It is important for you to believe in salvation and receive it so that you do not miss this wonderful blessing that the Lord God provides you for free. |