Quotation: Acts, 10:33
Acts, 16:25-34
The very verse we just read, 10:33, is such a wonderful testimony and confession. It was good of you to come. All of us are here now in the presence of God to listen to everything the Lord has ordered you to say. This means that everyone there had ears to hear and were so eager to know what the Lord had done, not what they had to do. When people talk about what men have to do, it can't help but lay a heavy burden on them. We all worry about what we need to do. However, what is really important is not what we are supposed to do or what we should believe in, but what the Lord did for miserable humans. It is the only thing that sets us free. Let's read Chapter 16, Verse 31 again. Acts, 16:31-34
All members of their family finally repented and believed in Jesus' words. Salvation of the whole family is the most important, rather than salvation of just some of the family members. If you see that some of your family members are left unsaved, you may still have pain inside your heart. However, it is clearly promised to us that: Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you and your family will be saved. This is one of the most beloved and most emphasized verses. We have all prayed with this verse many times and we have believed these words. Nevertheless, we all have to admit the fact that not all of our family members are yet saved. Why is that? Does it mean that some prayers remain unanswered? Our Lord certainly opens the eyes of the heart of his believers and performs his miracles at the time of his choosing. However, we read in the Bible that some prayers are not received. We need to think about the reasons for that. There are seven reasons. The first reason is disobedience, or unbelief. These two words actually point to the same thing in the original language, which relates to faith and belief. So many people are not yet saved; this is because of the disobedience and unbelief of the saved people. There is a very famous verse from Mark, Chapter 6, but it sounds a little strange to me. Jesus could do no mighty work. A man of the almighty could not do anything there. It was because of disobedience and unbelief of the people there. Mark, 6:1-5
Isn't this surprising? Some people were healed right away. Jesus wanted to encourage and comfort all the agonized people, and wanted to heal all the sick people; but somehow he couldn't. Mark, 6:6
It seems that unbelief is the worst obstacle to understanding the Lord. I am going to quickly read some other verses from the Old Testament. They revolve around the sin of disobedience and unbelief of the people of Israel. Deuteronomy, 1:42-45
Why was that? The Lord wanted to help them. He wanted to let them win the battle. But, they did not obey. After all, people of Israel were not obedient to the Lord. The Lord does not turn his face towards disobedient people. The people of Israel were finally destroyed in the wilderness. I cannot imagine the sadness of the Lord God when He had to do this. 1 Samuel, 14:37
1 Samuel, 28:6
Although King Saul was chosen and anointed by God, because of his disobedience the window in the heaven was closed, and the Lord God did not bless him anymore. How was the end of his life? The king killed himself out of desperation. What a tragedy! The importance of obedience to the Lord is repeatedly emphasized in the Bible. Acts, 5:32
When you obey, you are blessed generously. As described in this verse, the Holy Ghost is given to us. Disobedient Christians cause the Holy Ghost to grieve. If you disobey intentionally, the Holy Spirit will leave you. As I just said, the first reason that some prayers are not answered is disobedience. The second reason is hidden sins. It is repeated in the Bible that whoever hides his transgressions will not succeed. Some people may think that some sins have to be hidden to avoid troubles. But this is wrong. You cannot hide your sins forever|they will be revealed someday. David understood this from his own experience and wrote in Psalm 66, Verse 18, "Were I to cherish iniquity in my heart, the Lord would not listen to me." Earlier in his life, he did not care, and he committed terrible sins. He thought that he had to hide them from everyone. However, hiding his transgressions actually led to serious pain in his heart. Matthew, 5:28
The sins, the Lord mentioned here, are sins committed in eyes, sins inside your thoughts or corrupt motives. It may seem less critical, but this is actually one of the major reasons that your prayers are not answered. I hope we can reveal all of our sins in the light of the Lord, so that the Lord can richly answer our prayers. In a gathering of brothers and sisters, just associating with each other instead of holding a meeting ruled by the Holy Spirit is another kind of hidden sin. There are so many reasons for your prayers not being answered. We have so far seen disobedience and hidden sins. The third reason is indifference|indifference of the saved people. Proverbs, 1:24-33
Still many believers do not pay much attention to the salvation of their family, relatives or friends. In the Revelation, the Lord commanded us to pay diligence to repentance. We should always repent diligently so that we can be awakened from the sin of our indifference. Isaiah, 62:6-7
There are so many reasons that your prayers are not answered, among which I have mentioned disobedience, hidden sins and indifference. The fourth reason is found in the disregard for the laws of the Bible. It is because people do not respect the Bible, which is the word of the Lord, that their prayers are not answered. Proverbs, 28:9
If you refuse to follow the word of the Lord obediently and end up distraught and miserable, it is because you have been depending on your own values and emotion. For those who pray, the Bible is the most important treasure. Without living by the words from the Bible, we cannot live a life that fulfills the will of the Lord. The fifth reason that the Lord does not answer your prayers is your stubbornness. It is your closed mind. Zechariah, 7:11-13
"Also they will cry out, and I will not listen." Why did the Lord say this? It is because the people did not have the ears to hear and they did not want to be humble. We all have the nature to transgress the laws of the Lord God. It is our nature to close our minds to the Lord. Our ego is a monster, and we cannot control it by ourselves. Paul knew this all too well from his own experience. He made this famous confession in his testimony in Romans. Romans, 7:19
Romans, 7:24
Have you ever found something inside of yourself and had a fear? Something you cannot control by yourself? John the Baptist said, "He must become more important, but I must become less important". We will be blessed if we can sincerely say the same thing as John did. Then the Holy Spirit will give us the freedom inside us, so that we can really start to pray the prayer in the Holy Spirit. The prayers in the Holy Spirit are always answered. The sixth reason that your prayers are not answered is the instability of your mind. James, 1:6-7
"Such a person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord." Why is that? It is because one who has doubts is like a wave in the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. Very often, we feel unsettled because of the circumstances, words and emotions of other people, or because of something our eyes can see. This is just like a wave in the sea. This kind of feeling also hinders the answers to our prayers. This might be the reason that some people are still not yet saved, although we have been keeping them in our minds and praying for their salvation. So far, the reasons your prayers are not answered include disobedience, hidden sins, indifference, disrespect for the bible, your stubbornness and an unstable mind. The seventh and last reason is impure motives. James, 4:3
If your prayers are self-centered they will never be answered. Only if we glorify the Lord and pray for His glory will our prayers be answered. It will make miracles happen. If we cast out these seven sins I just mentioned, and pray together with the Lord, the roaring of the devil can do no harm to us. We will achieve victory. Let's look at Jeremiah, Chapter 33, Verse 3. It is such a wonderful promise that is cited very often. This is what the Lord provides us. It is not a suggestion, but His command. Jeremiah, 33:3
Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household. These words are the burden given to us from our Lord. How wonderful would it be if all our family members were all saved one day? It is no wonder that your family has not understood salvation until today. Jesus said: Matthew, 10:25
Matthew, 10:34-39
This is the love of Jesus. How was Jesus' attitude against His own family? Matthew, 12:47-50
What does the Lord want from us? Jesus said, "This is my Father's will: That everyone who sees the Son and believes in him should have eternal life." These are the ever-lasting calls from Jesus: "Come to me, all of you who are weary and loaded down with burdens, and I will give you rest." "Everything the Father gives me will come to me, and I'll never turn away the one who comes to me." While Jesus was alive, none of his family members believed in Him except Mary. However, they all came to believe in Him after His death. Acts of Apostles, 1:14
There will be no salvation as long as we make compromises with our family. If you keep testifying about Jesus through your own experience, salvation will come. These testimonies to your family must come from true faith in Jesus, and not just be empty stories coming out of your mouth. Otherwise, they will never be effective. Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you and your family will be saved. We have to believe in this verse and stand firm in our faith. Only then will we experience the truth. The Lord will never fail to answer our prayers and make the impossible possible. |