Quotation: Psalms, 81:10-14
1 Samuel, 3:10
We all have ears, but itfs so tragic if we cannot hear, or worse, if we refuse to hear. Today I would like us to think about why it is so important to listen to the voice of the Lord. As we look back on our past, unmistakably the most remarkable experience for each us was when we heard the voice of the Lord. Hearing the voice of the Lord was an unforgettable event for all of us. And still, it is our strong desire at the bottom of our hearts to listen to the voice of Jesus again and have communion with Him. The only thing truly indispensable in our lives is to listen to the voice of the Lord. When we do hear the voice of the Lord, we will be released from all of our anxiety, we will rejoice and we will be wholly fulfilled, even if we are still in agony. So what kind of voice is the voice of the Lord? The voice of the Lord is full of strength, like the raging waters. Revelation, 1:15, 17-18
When John heard this voice, a voice like the sound of raging waters, he fell down at the feet of the Lord like a dead man. The voice of the Lord is so full of strength. It is not comparable to the voice of humans. Very often, we feel disappointed or devastated by the words of other people. So many people are affected by words of praise or criticism. I know a student whose teacher said to him that he would fail in life. The student then tried to kill himself. Apparently, the voices of humans have a huge influence on the others. We are affected by not only the voices coming from the outside, but by the voices that come from inside as well. Genesis, 8:21
Jeremiah also wrote 2,600 years ago: Jeremiah, 17:9
Titus, 1:16
Humans' thoughts always differ from God's thoughts. When you put importance in the voices inside your heart, you will unconsciously move away from the will of the God, and you will be caught in the devil's trap. When Jesus told his disciples that He had to be nailed to the cross, Peter tried to prevent it. Let's look at this in the Bible. Matthew, 16:15-17
Matthew, 16:21-22
Peter showed his faith to the Lord when he said, 'You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God', but the next moment he gave in to the voice of his heart. Because of this, Jesus had to rebuke Peter in Matthew 16:23, saying, "Get behind me, Satan! You are an offense to me, because you are not thinking God's thoughts but human thoughts!" It is not only the voice of other people or the voice from your heart, but also the devil's voice which prevents us from working. The devil wants us humans to always think about our own good. He tries to lead us into self-determination and self-governance. When the devil succeeds in his purpose, humans cannot listen to the words of Jesus anymore. Only those who are not moved by the voice of others and deny all the voices inside their hearts, those who shut down all voices of the devil can hear the voice of the Lord, and thus experience His grace and greatness. Contrarily, if we put more importance in the voices of other people than in Jesus' voice, our work will never bear fruits. If you are moved by the voices inside of your heart, not by the spirit of Jesus, you will live a miserable life. Also, if you do not stand firm in Jesus' words, but lend your ear to the whispers of the devil and follow the devil's words, you will be deceived and end up choosing the wrong path. Those who hear Jesus' voice, a voice like raging waters, and put more importance in Jesus' voice than any other voices, are so blessed. We can only experience miracles when we hear His voice. The voice of Jesus has the power to convince people. A good example of this can be found in the conversion of Paul, who was previously called Saul. Let's look at some verses from the Bible: Acts, 9:1-5
Saul, later renamed Paul, had a strong and true desire to serve the Lord God. He obeyed all God's laws in the scripture strictly, just like Pharisees of these times, and believed that Jesus was a false prophet of the worst kind. This is why he witnessed the execution of Stephen and rejoiced when Stephen was stoned to death. He devoted his life to the persecution of Jesus' believers. However, on his way to Damascus, he heard the voice of Jesus, which instantly convinced him that Jesus Christ was the true son of God. Ever since that day, he sought the voice of the Lord and he always looked to Jesus to ask what he should do. Even when he was captured by Nero, the emperor of Rome, he did not lose his hope. He was rather filled with joy for being used as a servant of Jesus. He never stopped thanking Jesus for accepting him as His slave. When Paul heard the voice of Jesus, his life took a 180-degree turn. After that, listening to the voice of the Lord became the reason for him to rejoice and thank the Lord throughout his life. You are so blessed if you can pray just like Paul did: "Lord what should I do? Please tell me whatever you want me to do. Your servant is listening." The voice of Jesus gives you a life. There is a story in the bible about three people who lived in a small town called Bethany: Martha, her sister Mary and their brother Lazarus. Jesus often stayed with them, and they had a wonderful time in communion. Listening to Jesus' words was a great joy for them. But one day Lazarus died, and the women were filled with sorrow. It was four days after the death of Lazarus when Jesus heard the news and came to Bethany. Then Jesus called upon Lazarus, who had been dead for four days, with a loud voice. John, 11:43-44
The dead man heard Jesus' voice. And the dead man rose up again by hearing the voice of Jesus. Reading the Bible because "itfs your duty" and gathering to assembly out of obligation are nothing but lifeless, dead deeds. It is absolutely necessary to listen to Jesus' voice to break out of this lifelessness. The voice of Jesus has the power to give life. Even though it has been confronted by death, life will return when Jesus' voice spreads. The voice of Jesus is a voice that calls you in. Matthew, 11:28
People in agony should be relieved of their heavy burden and should be given rest. Today the world is filled with burdens of all kinds, burdens hard to imagine. It is becoming difficult to find the true joy of living, even for those who have faith. Many believers close their minds to the guidance of the Holy Spirits. Some believers even turn their faces away from the Lord Jesus and try to find some delight in their lives. Unless we have a strong will to sever the relationship with the devil, we will forever allow the devil to control us as he wishes. Whatever the relationship between you and Jesus, whatever the pain or agony you are suffering now, Jesus is inviting you to listen. Are you in pain? Do you worry, feel anxiety or unrest? Jesus is calling to you, "Come to me and I will give you rest". Aren't you filled with unhappiness, dissatisfaction and inconvenience? Does your heart truly rejoice? In the Gospel according to John, 16:33, the Lord Jesus said to us: "In the world you will have trouble, but be courageous|I have overcome the world!" If you feel disappointed because you are always judged by your weaknesses or things you cannot control, please listen to the voice of Jesus. Jesus says, "Come to me. Call upon me. You will dwell inside me and in all these things you are triumphantly victorious." Do you realize that there is an unquenchable thirst and hunger inside your heart which no one can ease? Jesus promised to us, I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never become hungry. Is there a thirst inside your soul, like a dry arid land, which no doctor can heal? Jesus is calling you, "Let everyone who is thirsty come to me and take the water". John, 6:35
Is your day filled with disappointment, temptation and terrible ordeals? Do you see pitch black darkness spreading in front of your eyes? Jesus said in John, 8:12, "I am the light of the world," and He promised us that anyone who follows Him will never walk in darkness, for they will have the light of life. You might be surprised because your soul is stained with sins. You might be wondering whether such a filthy soul can really be cleansed. Listen to the Lord telling you now to come to Him, to call upon Him. The Lord says in Isaiah, 1:18, "Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool." The voice of the Lord is always calling upon you. The voice of Jesus gives us solace. John, 11:23, 25-26, 40, 43-45
When Jesus arrived, Martha and Mary were deeply lamenting over the death of their brother Lazarus. Lazarus had been dead for four days. His body was rotten and there was no hope for them to get their brother back. But in this desperate situation, they heard the voice of Jesus: I am the resurrection. Even if the situation looks absolutely desperate and hopeless to your eyes, Jesus' voice always gives you solace and relief. Who we are is not important at all. The most important thing is to know what kind of man Jesus is. It is to realize the fact that Jesus is the resurrection and life. I am the resurrection, and your life: These words of Jesus give us solace, and they are better than anything. For people who feel so worthless and depressed, for people in distress, disappointment or desperation, the only way to escape is to listen to the voice of Jesus. The voice of Jesus is a voice that guides you and accompanies you. John, 10:27-29
Those who hear Jesus' voice and follow him are secure and protected forever. Jesus always wants to guide and accompany us. The Lord Jesus never wants to put us on a leash like slaves. He truly wishes for us to be fulfilled. Matthew, 9:36
Jesus Matthew, 9:36
What kind of sheep is a 'Sheep having no shepherd'? It is a sheep that has nobody to feed or take care of it. Jeremiah, 50:6, 17
A sheep without a shepherd has no place to rest. A sheep without a shepherd is driven off by lions and goes astray. Ezekiel, 34:6
When a sheep without a shepherd is lost, nobody comes to find it. The sheep will wither away and eventually fall to the ground. There are so many people today, wandering around just like abandoned sheep. On the other hand, listening to and following the voice of Jesus, your shepherd, means protection and perfect guidance. Thus, those who listen to Jesus' voice and follow it will have a clear and reliable guide. They are not like weakened sheep wandering without anyone to follow. Jesus said in the Gospel according to John, 10:28, No one will snatch them out of my hand. We are only truly fulfilled when we listen to and follow the voice of Jesus. Are you ready to listen to and follow Jesus' voice? Are you willing to be guided by Jesus? Or will you walk the way you want, following the voice of other people or the devil? The voice of Jesus is the voice that is begging you. Revelation, 3:20
Jesus says that He knocks on the door. Jesus is always knocking on the door to the hearts of the lost people. He is waiting for them to listen to Him and open the door to their hearts. However, it is not only the door to the heart of non-believers that Jesus knocks on|He is also knocking on the door to the heart of His believers. Even among believers, there are quite a few people that truly follow Jesus as their Lord and are ready to entrust everything to the Lord. This is the reason that so many people, although they believe in Jesus, still cannot have lively communion with the Lord. "Eating with Jesus" means to have communion with Jesus. And Jesus' dearest wish is to have communion with us. This is exactly the reason the Lord stands just outside of the door to our hearts and calls upon us. The Lord Jesus always wants to become one with us. Jesus wants to talk with us as he talks with His best friends. Let's look at the testimony of John the Baptist: John, 3:29-30
John, who was a friend of the Lord Jesus, was filled with joy when he heard His voice. If you really wish to be filled with joy, you too need to listen to Jesus' voice. Only people who do this can be totally satisfied in their lives, people like John who desperately wished for the glory of Jesus, who was prepared to sacrifice everything in their lives, and was even willing to suffer for His glory. An intimate and deep relationship with the Lord Jesus can be built only when we stay in front of the Lord and walk in His light, that is to say, when all of our hidden sins are gone. Communion with the Lord Jesus is accomplished when we totally depend on Jesus and entrust everything and surrender ourselves to Him. Communion with the Lord Jesus is the same as becoming one with the Lord Jesus. This is what Jesus desperately wants from us. So what do we want from Him? When we truly hope to listen to the voice the Lord and to have communion with the Lord from the bottom of our hearts, we are already blessed. What kind of voice is the voice of Jesus? His voice is full of so much power that John, when he heard it, fell down at His feet like a dead man. Because His voice was so eloquent, even Saul, who used to persecute believers fiercely, was changed, becoming one of His most passionate testifiers. Jesus' voice gave life and brought back Lazarus, who had been dead for several days. Because Jesus' voice was a voice of invitation, it was able to make many suffering people feel at peace. Because it also was a voice that gave people solace, many people gathered unto Jesus and found the strength to live. Because the voice of Jesus was a voice to lead the people, all the lost people were able to return to their fathers guided by His voice, and could find true fulfillment. Jesus' voice was also a voice to beg, so people came to Him from everywhere and accepted Jesus as their Lord|not merely a savior|and they were truly fulfilled at the bottoms of their hearts. The Lord Jesus has never changed until today. He is the same as he was during the time He lived. So is His voice. If you truly listen to His voice within your heart, you will realize that His voice is stronger than any other voices. Jesus' voice gives life, and it is there to fulfill your life. Jesus' voice brings people together and will release people from their burdens, giving them perfect peace and solace. The Lord, who created all things, wants lively communion with us. He is waiting for it. Are we prepared to listen to and follow the voice of the Lord? Or do we want to remain where we are now, where the voice in your own heart, the voice of other people, and even the whispers of the devil are swirling around? There is only one way to listen to and follow the voice of Jesus. You must have the mind to truly wish for "the Lord Jesus to be increased and for yourself to be decreased." Only when we have this frame of mind can the Lord Jesus become one with each of us. |