Quotation: Acts, 11:19-13:3
The theme of this message is "A Church Praying" People worry about a lot of things. Some ask, "How can I solve it?", but most of them know the answer, "There's nothing but to pray." Of course, it's correct. The Holy Bible is not a textbook to learn, but a call for prayers. The reason why they are in worry and agony is that they are given as a subject for prayers. What we experience as a result of prayers is "The Lord lives!" No prayer, no salvation. "Ask and it will be given to you." The shortest prayer in the Book is, "God, have mercy on me, a sinner." But a man who prayed this was seen good by the God, and saved. To pray is very important not only for unbelievers, but also for believers. Why many of believers can't know Jesus more, why the Lord can't work with more mighty power, why some brothers and sisters abruptly leave us and no more wish to know Him? Because we didn't pray for them. Our prayers were not as His will. A lack of prayers means a victory of Satan. We should be blessed if we can admit our sin. For Him it is important to offer exemplary prayers as His will. We can see it clearly if we look at an exemplary church. Thus, today we learn about "A Church Praying" As written in the Chapter 12 of Acts, the result of the prayers was so important, that is, not only a release of Peter, events happened in Jerusalem, but the word of God continued and spread. Paul and Barnabas served for a church in Antioch for a year, and experienced His rich blessing. It is written, "During this time, some prophets came down to Jerusalem, and through the Spirit, predicted that severe famine would spread." A church of Jerusalem suffered a severe damage by a famine. Acts, 11:29
They decided with all their hearts to help brothers in Jerusalem. They didn't say, "We are apart so far from Jerusalem. We have no relation with them, and no responsibility to their pain" If we are blessed truly by the Lord, there will always be a love to brothers and sisters to all over the world. Acts, 11:29-30
How important is an obedience to the Spirit! One thing is clear through this event that our private problems and difficulties are related to His larger and larger activities. While a church in Antioch experienced His rich blessing, the King Herod reached his evil hands toward a church in Jerusalem. As you know, an attack of Herod was an attack of Satan. He was just an instrument used by Satan. If the Lord gives a church more revelations, more blessings, more love and victory, Satan always get angry and attack it. And how often we were trembled. When an incident happens, we first ask, "Did I make any mistake? Was I wrong? Was it my sake?" The King Herod had the elder of the church, James, who was a brother of Jesus in flesh, put to death with sword, and arrested Peter, put him into a prison. But brothers and sisters in Jerusalem weren't trembled. They didn't ask, "Is it our sake?" They knew it wasn't from men, but it was an attack of Satan. Acts, 12:4
During that time, they were in hopeless situation. But, it is written on the Verse 5, "the church was earnestly praying to the God." They not only prayed once, but also they kept on praying. Their answer to an attack of Herod was earnest prayers. Actually, there were chains, soldiers, sentries, first and second guards, and iron gates between Peter and them. But they continued praying. It was not the Angel who opened the iron gates. They were opened by themselves, that is, earnest prayers opened them. Here, I would like to think about three things. 1. A prayer of a church 2. A prayer offered to the Lord 3. An earnest prayer for Peter At first, about a prayer of a church. In the Book, Peter's prayer isn't written, but prayers of a church are written, prayers of brothers and sisters. It's not important which of the elder, brother and sister prayed. A single prayer won't be a measures to solve the problem. The most important thing is integrated prayers of whole church. A solution against the attack of Satan is an active prayer of a church. Satan has been the same. However, the Lord we love has been the same too. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Thus we can REJOICE from the bottom of our hearts. The Lord always listens to our prayers. Also, a true church has been the same. A true church means a spiritual accord. If we take it as "we are one of a main body constructing this true church", we will really REJOICE. The reason why the church prayed earnestly is that they knew if the Lord Himself doesn't work miracles, they would be nothing, hopeless. How often we offer obligatory and superficial prayers! Do we worry with brothers and sisters in deep worry, and pray for them earnestly? Once, Paul wrote to brothers and sisters in Galatia, Galatians, 6:2
The Lord says, "I counsel you to buy from me a salve to put on your eyes." If we take care only on ourselves, a prayer the Lord expects will not come. An integrated prayer of whole church is indispensable for revival of brothers and sisters left hopeless and despised. Unless the Lord opens their eyes again, they and also we will be left in hopeless situation. If a part of our body is sick, our whole body is sick. If tow of the brothers and sisters are fragmented, whole church can't move a step forward. A prayer of whole church is very, very important. Second, about a prayer offered to the Lord Himself. Some may think the words, "to God" written on the Verse 5 in Chapter 12 of Acts are not so important. Or, some may think, it is obvious that the prayer was offered to the Lord, because we are not idolater. Hypocritical or habitual prayers are awful. An arrogance leads to dreadfulness. At a prayer, an arrogance will reveal twice as much dreadfulness. How are we at a prayer? Do we pray to get applauds? Are we aware of ourselves or other brothers and sisters? Or, do we just turn into the Lord? Of course, we will earnestly pray in private. But do we cordially pray, when other brothers and sisters pray? Or, do we criticize how a brothers and sisters pray? It is obvious that brothers and sisters in Jerusalem were united into one. May Paul and Barnabas have prayed with wonderful words in their prayers, may an old woman has prayed in embarrassed way, may a brother has prayed quite earnestly, or may a sister has prayed silently. We don't know the detail how they prayed, but they were united into one. Some brothers and sisters joined the fellowship with REJOICE, praised Him with us, and made up their minds to live for the Lord, but someday, they have gone. We don't know why. But I'm sure that they don't have REJOICE, neither peace. Do we ignore them? It is only Satan that gains a victory by the ignorance of believers. Earnest prayers were offered to God in a church of Jerusalem. Why not earnestly pray in one heart for brothers and sisters in trouble. Third, about an earnest prayer for Peter. (Side A -> Side B) What a severe trial it was for whole church! Satan worked hard to put believers into anxiety and desperation. Actually, it was only Peter who was put into prison, but it was a terrible trial for whole church. We know that they prayed earnestly in spite of thinking, "Peter will be killed tomorrow. It's all over. We shall give it up." Peter was not perfect. He once made mistakes and committed sins. But they didn't ever think that, "Peter should have been more careful,", "It's his own sake." Any arguments and doubts are result of Satan's work. It is Satan's purpose to break an accord of believers. But brothers and sisters in Jerusalem prayed earnestly for Peter united into one with their faith. Because they had experience to worry with Peter. Criticism and doubts will break a close fellowship. It's Satan's purpose to make believers lose their faith and hope, and tempt their love to each other. Brothers and sisters in Jerusalem found this danger in a second. Thus, they all were united and prayed for Peter's release and His glory. Let's have an explicit purpose and accordance when we pray together. This is indispensable for us. What is an integrated prayer of whole church? Are they prayers offered by group of believers in turn, such prayers for their troubles, prayers to present gratefulness to Him? No! Brothers and sisters gathered should not be themselves but a body of the Lord Jesus, or a representative of Jesus. That is, through their prayers spiritual power should be revealed and a reign of the Lord Jesus should be apparent. Why did a church in Jerusalem pray for Peter? Because they loved him? Of course it was right. But the major reason was that it was His will. When he was put into prison, a REJOICE, a testimony and service of a church were restricted. It also means the Lord couldn't receive His glory. So earnest prayers were offered to the Lord. Why do we have to pray for brothers and sisters apart from us? Because, if they are put into Satan's prison, our REJOICE and testimony, and service will be restricted, and He won't be able to receive His glory. These prayers were really a terrible struggle. The Book says, "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, not against men, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" Brothers and sisters in Jerusalem struggled not against flesh and blood, the King Herod, but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Thus, spiritual accordance was indispensable. At last, I would like to think about the result of prayers. In a word, it was a spiritual triumph. Assume, all brothers and sisters are scattered and put into anxiety and desperation, by Satan's attacks. What does it mean to the words of the Lord? His words were more important than spiritual force of the church in Jerusalem and future of Peter. After this struggle, it is written, "the word of God continued to increase and spread." on Verse 24 in Chapter 12. This was one of the important result of their prayers. Also, the King Herod vanished. It was because Herod didn't give praise to God. His role was clarified by the prayers of the church. The instruments of Satan, the King Herod was eaten by worms and died. In this way, the Lord received His glory. Another result was a true worship. Peter couldn't recognize angel's work was real, he thought it was a vision. And a church of Jerusalem also couldn't believe Peter's release. But lately, they truly worshiped the Lord with Peter. As a whole, the Lord lives, and answers our prayers. Paul wrote to brothers and sisters to encourage them, Ephesians, 3:20-21
Paul wrote that the Lord answers to prayers far beyond our any wish and imagination, thus praise, honor, glory gather by themselves to Him, and prayers are offered voluntarily with REJOICE. Brothers and sisters in Jerusalem didn't understand the importance of this prayer. But, they knew they had to pray, without prayers there will be no REJOICE, Church won't spread. Unless we pray, a testimony that Jesus is the Lord won't spread, we won't progress in our road of faith, and brothers and sisters once left the fellowship won't come back. So, let's pray. I wish an extreme characteristics of our fellowship to be our prayers. For this, let's offer our earnest prayers to the Lord. |