Quotation: John, 1:14-16
John, 11:1-6
John, 11:11-15, 17-27
John, 11:39-45
Last weekend, we had Bible Camp and one of the sisters made a short testimony, in which she said, "I surrendered myself and came to love Jesus." That is a good testimony, isn't it? She surrendered herself to Jesus and now she loves Him much more than she used to. This is actually how Jesus works on people and reveals His glory. Please let me read some more verses from the Gospel according to John, Chapter 2. Jesus also revealed His glory in here. John, 2:1-11
Jesus is called "the savior". His disciples began to realize that Jesus was the one who would provide the promised salvation. So many people now read the Bible and refuse to believe that water turned into wine. However, all things written in the Bible are true and doubtless. Most of the readers will be fascinated by the miracle itself, but the most important event that happened in here is in verse 11; "Jesus revealed His glory." This is the point. The glory of Jesus has to be revealed. What matters is whether our lives reflect the glory of Jesus. We need to have the living Lord God enter into our dark and miserable lives. Jesus can change water to wine. We may not have to see the miracle to occur; rather, all we need to see is Jesus Himself. Our lives must manifest the glory of the Lord. We have to bring the glory of the Lord into our life and pass it on further to other people. We must reflect the glory of Jesus just like mirrors. This is one of the most wonderful verses from the second epistle to Corinthians which is cited very often. Paul wrote to the people of Corinth; 2 Corinthian, 3:18
Do our lives reflect the glory of the Lord? That is what matters. For the discussion of today's theme, "The Lord Jesus revealed His glory", I would like to raise three questions. Question One; Does Jesus still reveal His glory today? Question Two; How can we reveal the glory of the Lord? Question Three; Why does Jesus reveal His glory? Does Jesus still reveal his glory in this present day? What do you think? Unfortunately, we have to answer that He no longer reveals his glory to us, don't we? Jesus undoubtedly used to reveal His glory in the days of Early Christianity. He needed the foundation, on which He needed to establish churches, from which He needed to spread gospel all over the world. What about this present time when the end of history is near? Second question; then, how can we reveal the glory of the Lord? And the third question; why does Jesus have to reveal His glory? He does so not for our sake but for the Lord Himself. It is a manifestation of his immeasurable love. Does Jesus still reveal His glory, today in this present time? Some people say that Jesus can't reveal His glory today and He won't perform miracles anymore. Some people even believe that Jesus actually never carried out any miracle at all and the miracles described in the Bibles are nothing but fairy tales. However, Jesus is the one who performs miracles even to this day. Some people still certainly see or experience this marvel of Jesus. Our Lord surely performs His miracle today. All those saved people we see are living proof of this wonder. Believers would say that, "Although I have been dead from my sins until today, I repent now and I will be regenerated by the faith and mercy of the Lord." This is nothing but the miracle. No one can explain the miracle logically, but it is a fact. But, does Jesus still perform miracles today in the lives of the believers? To answer this question, let us ask another question to ourselves; how does Jesus reveal His glory? The answer is that Jesus reveals His glory through us. What matters is whether or not the Lord Jesus can use us as instruments to spread his message. The devil, on the other hand, uses whoever is convenient to him regardless of whether they are even suitable enough to be chosen. What is important today is whether Jesus is still able to reveal His glory or not. Can He glorify Himself through each one of us who is gathered here this morning? Does He still perform His miracles? Without doubt, He does. Then, how does Jesus glorify Himself? He shows His glory through the pains and problems in our lives. The door to heaven is open today. Baptism of Jesus, transformation, resurrection, Ascension and Pentecost; all these events prove that entering heaven is still a possibility. The door to heaven is already open for us, so it does not even require our prayers, enthusiasm or devotion. Our savior is raised to heaven and he has all power and authority. So, the door to heaven is open to us. We are able to reveal the glory of Jesus to people through the way we live our own lives. We can't make any excuses now. For instance, 'my burden is too heavy.' 'My situation is hopeless.' 'The mood in my home is dark.' 'I don't get along with my colleagues.' We can't use these situations as excuses. When Jesus gives us a word, light shines into our lives of darkness. Jesus can still say, "Let there be light." When Jesus does so, we will manifest the glory of the Lord through our lives. Today, I entitled this sermon gThe Lord revealed His glory.h And as I mentioned, we are discussing three questions. The first question was whether Jesus still reveals His glory today or not. Secondly, how can we reveal the glory of Jesus? A miracle itself is not important, no matter how amazing it looks. But the question is whether it is performed to reveal the glory of the Lord. Then, in what way does Jesus reveal His glory? I must, at this juncture, tell you about the wedding ceremony in Cana. It was actually very peculiar and unique. Generally, in any wedding ceremony, the bride and bridegroom should be the most important, but in here they were not paid a lot of attention. Instead, Jesus was the center of this wedding. The message thus was that if Jesus does not stay at the center of our lives, it will cause us misery. When Jesus dwells inside us and merges together with us, He will be the focus of our lives. When it happens, our lives will start to reflect the glory of the Lord. Jesus was invited to the wedding solely for this purpose. Jesus was not merely one of the guests, but He was the center of this wedding ceremony. Likewise, we must have Jesus at the center of our lives. Jesus wants to reside within us. When we come together with Jesus, miracles will be brought into our lives. This is the miracle of blessing. Not placing Jesus at the center of our lives will be the reason for all failures. When He dwells inside us and truly merges as one with us, He will be the focus of our lives and consequently, our lives will reflect the glory of the Lord. How will the glory of Jesus be revealed? Needless to say, it can be revealed only through Jesus Himself. When the Lord Jesus is at the center of our life, it is manifested by a sign; a sign that we have come to realize our poverty. Now, wines are all gone. As people see such situation, they always want to assume a role of self importance even when they are in front of the Lord. If you live in humility, the Lord can work on you. Contrarily, when you manage to accomplish something by yourself, Jesus recedes from view. As He comes into our life, we will recognize our true poverty. As long as we believe that we are rich, Jesus cannot use us to reveal His glory. How can we experience the power of the Lord's miracle? It occurs when Jesus truly becomes the center of all things in our daily life. In the middle of hardship, can we act like His mother at the wedding ceremony in Cana? She did not come to the bridegroom or master of ceremonies to discuss the problem. Instead, she came to see Jesus immediately. She had a firm conviction when she came to Jesus. It was an unshakeable belief that "Jesus could do and Jesus would do." Do we have the same faith as she had when we draw near to the Lord? Do we have the conviction that Jesus can do anything and that He will absolutely do it? You will be blessed when you open your eyes wide again to what Jesus accomplished on the cross. All things He had done before he was crucified were preparations for the cross and all things he accomplished after the cross were consequences of the crucifixion. How can we glorify the Lord? We have to accept what Jesus' mother accepted. The mother of Jesus accepted His words with unquestioning faith, which sounded so loveless; "How does that concern us, dear lady?" He was telling her that their thoughts were totally different from each other. He made it clear that He would never obey her. These are very harsh words. Jesus had to draw a very clear line between Him and His mother. Jesus didn't say, "All right, you are my mother. I will do whatever you say." Luke, 14:26
This verse is a command of Jesus. At this wedding in Cana, Jesus put these words into practice. "Our earthly relationship has no meaning at all"; so said Jesus to His mother. Jesus never reveals His glory for our sake. He only reveals His glory for Himself. Jesus did not reveal His glory even for the earthly relationship between his mother and Himself. Likewise, He would never reveal His glory for the sake of our troubles, pains or prayers. Jesus is the Lord, therefore His glory is revealed for no one but Himself. How do we experience the glory of the Lord? It can be experienced when Jesus comes into our lives. Jesus needs to transform us. Until you accept this transformation, you will never be blessed. "My time hasn't come yet." The Lord said, "Be patient". The important fact is not to learn how to endure, but to possess the endurance in the first place. Endurance cannot be obtained by learning. True endurance means nothing else but to serve under Jesus Christ. That was exactly what His mother did. Are we capable of endurance like this? Are we truly serving under Jesus? "For you need endurance", so wrote the author of the Hebrews. The person who endures to the end would be allowed to experience the glory of the Lord. "My time hasn't come yet." But, the time of the Lord Jesus will come. We might have to wait for a very long time. However, His time will certainly come and Jesus will undoubtedly reveal His glory. How can we experience the glory of Jesus? We will experience His glory after we understand obedience in our faith. According to the Bible, even Jesus learned obedience. Hebrew, 5:8-9
Mary, the mother of Jesus said, "Do whatever he tells you." It is important to learn from His living word, not from so-called Apostles' Creed or doctrines. "Whatever he tells you"; these words show us the importance of obedience to Jesus. We need to pray, read the Bible, listen to His words and reflect them in our deeds. "Do whatever he tells you." This requires a lot of dedication and devotion. For example, Jesus told them to fill jars with water. It should not have been such a difficult order to follow. However, it was not so easy to put into action the next task Jesus told them to do, which was "to draw some out and take it to the man in charge of the banquet". We would feel the same way. While the first command was simple and easy, anyone would hesitate to obey the next command. It was a reasonable request to fill the jars with water. But, it was without much surprise that they hesitated to bring the jar to the governor of the feast. It seemed so absurd and unreasonable. It was water, not wine. Yet, they brought that water to the governor of the feast. They obeyed the command of the Lord. After all, this made it possible for Jesus to reveal His glory. The secret of glorification lay in this unswerving obedience to the words of Jesus. The subject of today's sermon was "Jesus revealed His glory" and we have been discussing the answer to three questions so far. The first question was whether Jesus still reveals His glory. Yes, He does. Secondly, how can we reveal the glory of Jesus? Needless to say, it can only be revealed through the compassion of the Lord. Now, let's talk about the third and the last question; what is the purpose of Jesus in revealing His glory? It is for us to be transformed into the image of the Lord Jesus. Jesus does not reveal His glory for our sake. He reveals his glory always for Himself. As we can see from the Bible, the Lord Jesus desires us to be transformed into His image. It is in actuality the only reason that Jesus reveals His glory. "We have to become more like the Lord with ever-increasing glory", as is written repeatedly in the Bible. What was His purpose of revealing His glory? It was to strengthen the faith of the disciples. It is written at the end of this part that "his disciples believed in Jesus"; it was meant for His disciples to renew their devotion to the Lord. There is one path that is only possible to those who have experienced the glory of Jesus. It is to dedicate their lives to the Lord. For the apostles to renew and refresh their worship for Jesus, Paul commanded them to "glorify God with their bodies". Thus, why don't we newly devote our whole lives to Jesus today? We will then be truly blessed if Jesus reveals His glory through our lives. |