Quotation: John, 2:1-11
It is still unknown where a place called Cana in Galilee exactly was. But the wedding at Cana is told all over the world after two thousand years, by the fact that the bride and bridegroom invited the Lord Jesus as a guest. It is also written that His mother Mary and His disciples were invited too. Here, Mary is introduced as Jesus' mother. The Holy Bible describes her in a totally different position than Jesus. In details, the Book describes Jesus as the living and true God, a savior, on the other hand, His mother, just as Jesus' mother. Though many worship Mary and pray through her name, these are unbiblical. During the wedding, there arose a trouble. A wine to be served to guests was almost gone out. It seems she was in charge of taking care of guests, she pleaded Jesus, "They have no more wine." We also ask Him how can we solve various problems. For some, they are problems between husband and wife, or among families, or, financial problems, disease, problems in a company. We plead Him problems and agonies in our daily life. In this case, His answer to the plea was strange, John, 2:4
At first glance, it is an unkind remark. (Japanese translation is, "Is there any relationship between you and Me?") As you know, Jesus was a son of Mary, what did He want to say? I think, He was concerned only about doing the will of the God of His father. It was when He has accomplished the redemption by crucifying His innocent body on the Cross, thus, I think He answered to His mother, "My time has not yet come." Our concern is always on problems we are involved. But His concern was only on doing His father's will. In the same meaning, He wanted to express His concern was different from Mary's. When we remind a progress of our faith, we find we are at a same situation. Our concern is on our problems and if they are solved, we will get satisfied as if it were reasonable, if not, we'll complaint it and moving away from our faith. We will sometimes, loose our patience, going astray, driven to an anxiety whether He hears our prayers. But as Jesus' concern was not only to solve our problems on the earth, but also to reveal His father's glory, we are required to turn our eyes from ourselves to searching calmly what is His purpose behind the problems. At a glance, His words sound very unfeeling. But, when His concern is different from theirs, He used very severe words. For example, when He told Peter at first time that He will be crucified to accomplish the redemption, and resurrect three days later, Peter said worrying about Him, Matthew, 16:22
But, His answer was, Matthew, 16:23
These are dreadfully severe words. If the gap between His concern and ours is so wide, we really have to pay attention to it. John, 14:10-11
These are words given to disciples by Him. Just as written there, He made His first miracle to change a water into a wine at the wedding at Cana. Go back to the Verse 5 of Chapter 2 in John, how did Mary respond to His words, "Why do you involve me?" John, 2:5
She was a very wise woman. She knew from the very moment she conceived Him that He isn't an ordinary baby. As an angel told her, she knew He will be born as the savior, son of God, to Jews and also all human beings. I think she saw His growth with a strong interest since His birth. Thus, despite incredibly severe words, she answered, "Do whatever He tells you." As a matter of fact, this is requested to each one of us. "Do whatever Jesus tells.", "Do just as written in the Holy Bible.", there lies her wise choice. Here, the Book tells us, "Do what Jesus tells only, not mother Mary tells, not others tell." John, 14:23-24
If the servants didn't listen to His words, there hadn't been this first miracle. A lot of miracles are recorded in the Book, we find their obedience behind all miracles. For example, in Joshua, it is written how Jericho collapsed. Remember how this impregnable fortress city collapsed. They marched around it once everyday. On the seventh day, they marched around it seven times, at last they shouted, then the wall collapsed. We can't explain how it could be, just as how a water was changed into a wine. We can just say, if the Lord God is omniscient and omnipotent, not like men, He will be able to do it. Another example is in Daniel. Three servants, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were put into a fire because they didn't worship a golden idol made by Nebuchadnezzar, but they weren't burned. We can't explain how they endured the fire, but as a result of their faithfulness, to the Ten Commandments telling not to worship others than the Lord God, the miracle happened. We find that the miracle in the wedding at Cana was a result that servants did just as Jesus told. John, 2:6
Jews knew they will be ceremonially unclean when they touch a head men and animals. There were many ceremonies to clean it. A water stored in the jar was used for it. Jesus told them to fill them with water. John, 2:7
It wasn't His disciples who filled them, but servants. If His disciples filled them, lately, it may have been said they have filled a wine not a water. Moreover, the jars were filled to the brim, to verify no one could add anything lately. John, 2:8-10
This is the miracle. A wine symbolizes our rejoice in the Book. If He wasn't involved, the wine had gone out for a while. It is like that we do what we want and wish with our strength while we are young, and it brings us adequate joys. But we loose joys gradually during getting older and older. On the other hand, we gain more anxiety than joys, getting illness and facing problems in a family or groups round us. This is how we are. However, when Jesus is involved, our rejoice will be endless. Well known words, Psalms, 23:5-6
Here, cup is used for wine. We know David testifies through his experience of a grace of the Lord, his cup will overflow forever and never be empty. Or, in Joel, Joel, 2:19
and, Joel, 2:24
As a result of His grace, the vats will be filled with new wine and oil. This is His prophesy. Reflecting the Verse 10 of Chapter 2 in John, everyone brings choice wine first, that is, in youth we joy and enjoy, live accordingly happily, but when we had too much, when we get old, at the end of our lives, we have to drink cheaper wine, live in little happiness. This is how it is. But you have saved the best one till now. True rejoice, continuous rejoice, ..... (Side A -> Side B) What a splendid grace of the Lord it is. (temporally no recording) Ecclesiastes, 12:1
The days with no pleasure will come. But the Book tells if Jesus works onto us, and we are filled with His new life, a new wine, the best wine will flow out forever. His first miracle is very comforting compared with one of Moses'. Moses did some miracles before Pharaoh in Egypt. One is that he changed a water in the Nile into a blood. It was a very destructive miracle. But Jesus changed a water into a wine. There's no need to say that Moses was a symbol of Laws in the Book. The Laws brought only death, but Jesus brought us a grace and true life. Let me read some verses in Romans, Romans, 7:10
Miracles done by Moses symbolize a death, but ones by Jesus lead us to a new life. Romans, 8:1-4
We learnt the grace of the Lord through the miracle in the wedding at Cana. Thank you for listening. |